On 10/08/07, michaelweaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [snip]
> I haven't found a way of opening local pages in Lynx so I can view my HTML
> pages in Linux.

I haven't tried this, and I haven't used lynx much.
Maybe you could try 'lynx /path/to/file' from the terminal?

> What would anyone suggest?
> Am I having problems saving raw HTML in G-Edit because something needs
> setting which is why my email form doesn't work properly?

I've just created a test page in GEdit. I didn't include a document
type, but it is valid XHTML.
I just typed the HTML, clicked Save, entered a filename (test.html),
and opened it in a new tab in Firefox. The email link I included
worked properly when I tested it quickly.

I'll attach the test html file I wrote, in case it helps.

Title: Test Page for Michael

This is the first example paragraph.

And this is a second, including a mailto link.


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