Sounds great. If i buy a PC through you, will I be able to customise it? On Tue, 2007-08-07 at 15:16 +0100, Nik Butler wrote: > [ SALES PITCH ] > > As many may already be aware Dell will be shipping Ubuntu preinstalled > kit to the UK market. > > I am ( to the best of my knowledge ) uniquely positioned to have a very > long term working and purchasing arrangement with Dell on behalf of all > my customers. Depending on the models and volumes I can usually arrange > a good margin on the order value ( read discount ). > > I will be posting some quotes and thoughts about this range tomorrow as > well and if people are interested in a collective buying power position > then I will be happy to mediate ( of course for a small percentage ) . > > Dell are really committed to supporting Ubuntu on their product lines > and now is the opportunity to show an interest and a commitment to > helping them deliver and generate a productive revenue stream in our > market. > > I will of course be blogging about this as well and detailing any offers > I can provide at the time , including how to buy and what sort of > support we can expect in terms of hardware. > > Thanks for taking time to read and heres looking forward to tommorow > when Freedom comes to the European and UK markets. > > > Nik Butler > > > >