To add to Bill's list, how do you get the "Windows" key on a standard keyboard to open the menus on the Gnome desktop?
(The windows key being the one located between the Alt and Ctrl keys on the bottom left of the keyboard) E -----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Bill Culshaw Sent: 06 August 2007 20:56 To: Subject: [ubuntu-uk] Migrating from MS Windows I have moved my business and home computing over to Ubuntu,with very little problems. with the exception of 3 little niggles. Are there drivers available for a 2Wire usb wireless adapter. How do I install a minimum Kubuntu desktop without ruining my existing Gnome setup Is there a Ubuntu/Linux application that has the functionality of my old Lotus Organiser. I realise that I am asking this in the wrong place (sorry) Would welcome any assitance may be available. Regards Bill...