On Fri, 3 Aug 2007 01:07:39 +0100
"Josh Blacker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have an open office file that I'm constantly updating and sharing
> with a friend. Emailing it to him every so often is a chore - what I
> want is a cron script to do this for me, say every evening. Any ideas?
> [As he's on a mac without oo.org, ideally it would save it as a pdf
> first...]

Open office can be scripted from a bunch of different languages, a
python example to convert an OOo file to pdf is available at

Once you have the pdf you need a way of sending it. I'd got for a
python script, but it can be done in another language or using a mail

There is an example in python at:

Once you have a script that will do the conversion and mail the file
you need to set up a cron job to trigger the script. A short intro to

Robert McWilliam     [EMAIL PROTECTED]    www.ormiret.com

What did you do to the cat? It looks half-dead.
                         --Schroedinger's wife


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