On Mon, 2007-07-09 at 15:41 +0100, Matthew Larsen wrote:
> Maybe its the abundance of talk and lack of action thats the problem.

As others have pointed out, it's not a lack of action - we're all active
in our own ways. Instead it's a lack of *organised* action. However
co-ordinating a LUG has taught me that central organisation is extremely
difficult to manage.

Although we have nominal leadership, this team is ours to do with as we
wish. Instead of creating sub-teams, why don't we focus on *efforts*.

If anyone has an idea of *anything* the team could do, then post it
here. If you want to get involved with someones effort, get involved. If
you don't then offer *constructive* criticism, or let them get on with
it. Blocking an idea doesn't help anyone. I know it's a management
cliche, but there really is no such thing as a bad idea.

Also don't wait for approval or even others to join your effort - if it
benefits our team and/or Ubuntu itself, then it is something we should
be doing.

The only things we should not seek to change are the wiki, this list and
the IRC channel. The wiki should remain our central reference, this list
should be our primary method of communication and the IRC channel remain
for informal or real-time chat. The list subscribers outnumber the
channel lurkers, with a significant overlap, so this is the best
mechanism for keeping everyone informed.

Ultimately it is up to us to decide our own level of involvement, so
lets do that.
Dave Murphy - http://www.schwuk.com

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