Michael wrote:
> SteVe Cook wrote:
>> Michael wrote:
>>> SteVe Cook wrote:
>>> I've just tried the GMTV clips page out in Windows.
>>> In Firefox 2.0 the interview with Michael Kerr plays out in sound only 
>>> until you click inside the embedded player, causing the stream to be 
>>> shown in full-screen mode.
>>> In Internet Explorer, nothing actually happens...
>>> Back in Seamonkey under Feisty, the clips page immediately returns the 
>>> error:
>>> Requested file not found. The link you followed may be outdated or 
>>> inaccurate. 
>>> (rtsp://a1358.v165445.c16544.g.vr.akamaistream.net/ondemand/7/1358/16544/v001/roomediaco1.download.akamai.com/16542/real.roomedia/streamingVX/7056/1441/herochat_300.rm?clipId=1441_gmtv_0601&channel=GMTV+Highlights&category=&site=gmtv%2fportal)
>>> The least that can be done in Ubuntu is to make available an optional 
>>> version of mplayer that doesn't install the useless RealMedia plugin.
>> The plot thickens.  I don't appear to able to play the GMTV clips more 
>> than once.  Is this some sort of DRM type thing or part of the 
>> ubuntu/Realplayer thing.
>> SteVe
> Returning to Seamonkey just now, the "featured" clip played 
> automatically in both sound & vision within the embedded player, but I 
> can't get the player to repeat it, and clicking on the other links 
> produces no response.
>  > Is this some sort of DRM type thing or part of the ubuntu/Realplayer 
> thing.
> As it happens, that page is GMTV's shop window for clip sales 
> (http://www.gm.tv/index.cfm?articleid=14014).
I tell a lie: you seem to have to wait a few minutes before you're 
allowed to see a new clip.

"Fullscreen" mode doesn't work in any case.


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