On Mon, 2007-07-02 at 11:31 +0100, Ted wrote:
> A friend has been using a computer I installed Feisty on and asked me to 
> install it on his..
>  I installed it but cannot get mplayer or realplayer to work..When I 
> goto the bbc news and lick on a vid mplayer starts to connect and the 
> tells me "stopped"  If I alter preferences to use realplayer
> f/fox crashes with no error messages...If I try Konq it too crashes...I 
> have tried using automatix
> on a clean install to get the codecs etc but still no joy..It will play 
> vids and youtube clips though..
>   I have also tried using pclinuxos and Mepis but all show the same 
> symptoms....
> I am running out of ideas and he is thinking abt going back to win 2k
> Any ideas appreciated...
> Regards
>   Ted Wager
>     Linux user..

first step, remove anything automatix has done, it just causes problems,
breaks systems and gives support people a big headache. not supported
and please do not use it :).

Second step, e-mail the bbc to compain about their web service being
bias towards propiatary systems when we have free formats available for
them to use :)

typically at the bottom of a video stream it has 'open in a standalone
player' you could try copying that link into a standalone realplayer and
playing from there.  



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