On Friday 29 June 2007 08:30, Sean Miller wrote:
> alan c wrote:
> > I see it has been put onto the wiki
> > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/Leaflets
> > as
> > leaflet1_alan_cocks.odt
> > (this leaflet got a strong reaction from a Windows-only marketing
> > professional that it covered too *many* significant points)
> I think it has a lot of words... could also, probably, do with more
> usage of fonts and sizes to draw the eye to the things the individual
> reader might be interested in...

Agreed - a lot of information there, but not easy to pick out the bits a user 
may be interested in via a quick glance. 

Good to see the OpenCD project mentioned. I have an iso for that here to tempt 
WIndows users to dip a toe into the open source world. It isn't perfect - 
there are a couple of things on it which are rather specialised and I would 
imagine the people who may use that type of thing would already have looked 
into alternatives... but I could be wrong!

> I would probably re-arrange the leaflet somewhat. I think that the
> contact information, which is currently on page 5, should actually be on
> page 6 as everything else will, hopefully, have persuaded them by then
> to make contact. You could also have the download links for Ubuntu etc.
> here.
> I would then try to ensure that all the individual sections are on their
> own pages. So, for instance, all the information about Ubuntu
> specifically would be on page 5. We therefore have a leaflet that when
> opened displays a page all about Ubuntu (folded in). The reader might
> choose to read this first or to open the flap and start from the beginning.
> Which would, broadly, probably result in a booklet that comprises...
> Page 1: Front page with Tux
> Page 2: Introduction to Open Source
> Page 3: Ethos and Advantages
> Page 4: Linux and Windows
> Page 5: Ubuntu
> Page 6: Contacts and Useful Information
> Just my tuppence worth... hope there are some ideas of use therein...
> Sean

The problem with any idea, such as the leaflet one, is that it can quickly 
snowball I guess. Looking at Sean's comments, I thought that maybe a seperate 
page for each of the Ubuntu variations (K,X,Edu etc) would be cool. But then 
things start getting a bit heavy on the printing side!
What about using the links part of the leaflet to link to an online version of 
the leaflet, one for each of the variants? So a Kubuntu page for instance 
would follow the basic leaflet ideas, but could include some screenshots 
perhaps highlightling the various sections. Likewise for the other variants. 
That would add another dimension to the leaflet idea and allow more 
creativity in the display.
The basic leaflet is ideal for distributing at events etc, as it would be easy 
and cheap to print, but the online version could be used to expand and add 
extras as mentioned.
The same sort of thing could be used to show open source projects running on a 
Windows machine.
Sorry if this has already been suggested - I am relatively new to the list and 
may have missed it.



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