Hi Alan,

On Sun, 2007-06-24 at 18:28 +0100, alan c wrote:
> I usually look at Distrowatch to see what is going on, and I have 
> noticed lately - for the popularity rankings - that Ubuntu is giving 
> way to pclinuxos, particularly the shorter term data. Is there 
> anything Ubuntu could be doing that is not currently happening I wonder?

Put links to the ubuntu distrowatch page on every page on the wiki and

Seriously though isn't the distrowatch merely a rank based on pageviews
of _their_ site? As such it's somewhat meaningless in so far as
measuring popularity goes.

One thing you might glean from it is that Ubuntu is so well known now
(if not well used) that people don't need to click the Ubuntu page on
distrowatch, but might click another upstart of a distro like PCLinuxOS.


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