Neil Greenwood wrote:
> On 17/06/07, luxxius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Neil >>> I'd never used Liferea before (thanks, Popey, for mentioning it
>> in another thread some while ago - it's brill!).  I didn't realise that
>> the duplicates are only marked as read when you're reading items in the
>> separate feeds, not when you're reading them in the 'Unread' folder.
> Hmm, that doesn't sound quite like what I see.
> I tend to read only through the 'Unread' folder. When I first select a
> message that is duplicated, it gets marked as read and at the same
> time (I think, it's been a while since I've been on holiday and away
> from the internet for a week), it marks the duplicate as read too and
> it disappears from the 'Unread' folder.
> This is what confused me the first time, since I was expecting to see
> only one instance of the duplicated message in the 'Unread' folder.
> Hwyl,
> Neil.

Contrary to my earlier post, I think I'm noticing that when I read an 
item in one feed's folder, its duplicate in another feed's folder is 
*not* marked as read.

I'll check more carefully, and investigate your observation about the 
Unread folder.

Best wishes


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