Quoting norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> One of the many advantages of Ubuntu to old codgers like me and those of
> us who depend on our computer for passing the time is the vast range of
> free software and applications available to be tried and tested. Mostly
> these are easy to install and uninstall and generally work with the
> hardware we have. Sometimes, like Mythtv for example, it is necessary to
> get a new bit of hardware but the cost of such is relatively minimal. I
> get tremendous pleasure from applications such as the Gimp, the many
> sound and video applications and if I want to use something which
> requires Widows then I will see if it will work in Crossover Office.
> (Note, Crossover is not free but what you pay goes to help the
> developers of Wine).
> Come on Ubuntu users, let's hear of all the things you like to use and
> what gives you pleasure. Stop lurking and come out.

Beryl - it rocks.  My laptop has never looked so good and still  
remained easy to work with!

Automatix/Non-free codecs.  At risk of getting a complete shoeing for  
this, I don't care about wether my computers are free of non-gnu  
software, I just want it to work.  Automatix and the win32codecs give  
me the media-functionality and compatibility of windows and the ease  
of use and power of ubuntu - I can have my  cake and eat it!

Can't think of anything else off the top of my head, but if it comes  
to me I'll let you know...

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
Group Co-Ordinator
Thanet Linux User Group
GPG KEY: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xFEA1BC16


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