I see there is a thread with the subject of Leaflets. I have been away 
until recently so please forgive me if I am not dovetailing into the 
existing discussion well.

I am an 'Infopoint' (note 1) volunteer - FOSS information at events 
and particularly Computer Fairs. I am lucky in having one held locally 
each month, and can mostly attend and display at them.

My particular leaflets are tuned to the audience of 95% windows users, 
some not even knowing what an operating system is.

For better or worse, the leaflet is now accepted in the local library, 
the local small business computer shop ('have you any more leaflets, 
they've all gone'? they asked today!), another computer (windows only) 
repair shop (two or three staff only), and my local Dixons (Staff 
interest only), also the local College IT tutor gladly accepted some 
leaflets with other things (including live CD) to give to the near end 
of term students, some already use Ubuntu.

Although the leaflet may not be 100% acceptable for linux cognoscenti, 
it does seem to catch and hold attention of my target audience.

I am very happy if it could be added to the leaflet resources we 
produce for Ubuntu.

Please note it is *deliberately* arranged as/for the following:

1) A folded format leaflet, 3 columns each side, folded as concertina. 
(An earlier A5 double sided one was simply not well received - similar 

2) Mono (black) ink only. I print quite a few and ink does cost some 
money, colour costs a lot more. (Any other pensioners out there?) I 
wonder also if a fully professional leaflet would not look so credible 
from a small volunteer outfit such as (I am)(!)   'Free' software is 
greeted with suspicion enough without too obvious a mismatch about the 
perceived cost of publicity.

3) In the leaflet heading, the first word is 'Free' then 'Open' and 
'Free' and 'Open' are words with have very common use, and positive 
use, also non technical,  and 'source' is not too bad either. 'Free' 
is the clinch. People start to read.

4) The secondary word is 'Information'. This is a *very* gentle sell, 
no pushy stuff. 'Information' is accepted by public libraries, it 
implies a culture of choice or benefit from knowing the information.

5) First page emboldened sub headings are 'Open code', 'good quality', 
and 'Free', in that order.
Note that once the main word 'Free' has captured attention, the slant 
moves to openness and quality, then a reinforcement of 'free'. 
Whatever the analysis, it does seem to work   :-)

6) (other content)

7) Note that the leaflet is based very locally, for Bracknell, so 
local groups are referenced (Surrey LUG got left out, sorry), this 
would obviously need change for other use. Ubuntu helpfulness is 
hinted at but mention of the Forums is omitted because people using 
the forums are already committed to at least a trial. They are not 
this audience. The leaflet is aimed at people who may have heard a 
brief reference to open source but are just curious, and usually 
frightened or (not bothered) to move from windows.
I give my phone number to some people, depends on circumstances.

8) The leaflet begins with Freedom, Openness, quality and choice. It 
then introduces *Ubuntu*, its popularity, and its community, including 

9) A ghostly Tux image. The simple graphic gives a bit of light 
relief, and I personally think that Tux is a very useful Global 
blanket branding in *concept* at this stage. It emphasises there is - 
in concept -  an alternative to Windows. I think that a Ubuntu logo 
here at this stage in (my local) this context in such a broad leaflet 
would be a bit out of place.
Ubuntu is very specifically singled out anyway. Ubuntu is the specific 
instance of the Open concept.

I am not using my own web pages yet (I have a couple of virtually 
unused empty sites), so if somebody will volunteer, I will happily 
email them the leaflet (with only my own contact details edited out) 
for downloading by others for modification or whatever and other 

Any volunteer please?

Note 1:
Infopoint Project - started by Jono Bacon a while ago for getting the 
open source word out onto the streets. I have found it to be an 
excellent label to use in my advocacy efforts locally:
alan cocks
Kubuntu user#10391


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