It seems Publisher is well known for this From '' "If you have a recent copy of Publisher - Publisher 2002/XP, Publisher 2003 or Publisher 2007 - you should be able to open all Microsoft Publisher files that come your way. If you collaborate with someone using an older version of Publisher, such as Publisher 2000 or Publisher 98, then you will want to Save As the appropriate older format for their system." "If you are co-editing a Publisher document with someone else, then you will both need copies of Publisher. We recognize that there are times when you want to share an electronic version of, for example, a brochure or a catalog. To support this, Publisher 2007, plus a free add-in from Microsoft, enable saving to PDF," The wonders of proprietary file formats!
As Scribus comes in Windows and Linux why not convert everybody to Scribus? :-) Not only is it free - upgrades are free too - take a look at Scribus 1.3.4. , very nice! Also have you tried making a PS/EPS file from Publisher and Importing to Scribus? Another option is saving as HTML opening in Ooo saving in Open doc Format then importing to Scribus. Howerver I know from bitter experience that 'MS HTML' contains a lot of gibberish that shouldn't be there and needed to be trimmed out when I saved as HTML from Word then opened in Ooo. Hope you find a way :-) Eddie > Whilst there are many tools out there that will act as a replacement, I am > unable to find a program that will load and save MS Pub files. > > --