Chris Jones wrote:
> Hi
> Lee Tambiah wrote:
>> I hope Ubuntu never signs a deal like this either, but I think we are safe,
>> I don't think Mark Shuttleworth is that gullable.
> From:
> "So you wouldn’t do a deal?
> No, absolutely not."
> Cheers,

When CNR technology gets incorporated into Gutsy, I take it that Ubuntu 
and Ubuntu alone will be responsible for the content of the servers.

I only ask because according to's account of the patent 
deal [], or at least 
the earlier draft pasted up on Ubuntu Forums, there's an EULA involved:

"According to sources, customers of Linspire's Linspire Linux 
distribution who wish to take advantage of the newly licensed Microsoft 
technologies for VoIP, multimedia, and TrueType fonts will be required 
to signify their acceptance of a Microsoft patent license, much as when 
users install Adobe's PDF Reader or other proprietary software on Linux. 
Presumably, the patent license will also contain language that offers 
Lindows users protection against possible infringement of Microsoft 
patents by Linux."


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