Matthew Macdonald-Wallace wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 16:16:03 +0100, michaelweaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I Think it will be the disk that comes with the Router. i have both a
>> desktop PC and a laptop, the desktop runs Windows on the Internal hard
>> drive but has Ubuntu on an external USB hard drive. The Desktop does not
>> have a network card in it.

Hello, Michael.

Matt is right, you don't need any disk or CD to use the BT Home-hub: 
It's a self-contained DHCP server running Linux-derived code in ROM.

All you need to do is switch it on and connect an ethernet cable to it 
or read the SSID and WEP key off the back for Wireless. The easiest 
thing to do if you have Windows on your laptop is connect from there to 
make sure your WiFi interface is working, then try setting it up from 
Ubuntu. I use "Wifi Radar" under Ubuntu to search for wireless networks.

You should check that you can connect your laptop to the router with a 
wired connection if you can't detect a wireless signal. Login to the 
router using a web browser, and check which devices it detects. This is 
all very simple to do from Windows without installing *any* software, 
and is described in the instruction leaflet. The BT Home-hub is a very 
well thought out router, and I'm quite impressed by its capabilities.

What you install from the BT CD's is a truly AWFUL customised version of 
Micro$oft Internet Explorer and BT's 'help' system. Neither of which you 
actually need to use the router.

I suggest that you first try connecting to the Home hub with a wired 
connection from Windows using a web browser, and explore it's 
capabilities. Then try setting Wireless up under Windows first because 
you might otherwise spend a long time trying to get it to work under 
Linux without knowing if you have a network hardware problem or not.

Best wishes,


>> I have a wireless card for my laptop which I used for connecting at
>> Voxbar in Huddersfield or Jardins in Birstall where I attend a couple of
>> LUGs but there seemed to be a problem connecting at Voxbar the last time
>> I tried and Lindsay thinks there might be a problem with my Ralink card
>> because she said it flashed one time she looked at it and at that time
>> she had to pull out the card as she though it wasn picking up any
>> Network. There seemed to be a problem with the card trying to find the
>> Network even though it had settings for it so I may have to get a new
>> card anyway although my sister says she has a USB device which can
>> recieve wireless that does the same job as my card.
> If the CD is the one with the router, you don't need it to get this to work 
> under Linux.
> Matt.
> --
> Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
> Lug-Master (,
> Dad (,
> Ubuntu User(

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