On Thu, 07 Jun 2007 08:43:31 +0100, luxxius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Matthew Macdonald-Wallace wrote:
> <snip>
>> Not the one I originally used, but a good example all the same:
>> http://tlug.dnho.net/?q=node/198
>> gives:
>> #!/bin/sh...
> Matt >>> Wow!  That's a several light years away from where my
> understanding is right now!  And there are a couple of issues that might
> require some editing of this bash script:
> (a)  Most of my music consists of .flac files (the script seems to work
> with .mp3 files - sorry I didn't make this clear earlier)

Easily solved, just change any instances of mp3/MP3 to flac or FLAC depending 
on the file extensions you have.

> (b)  For various reasons (to do with displaying files names, and having
> a lot of very long and descriptive ones for movements in classical
> music) I'd prefer to keep the spaces if possible.

That's fair enough, however this script does not remove the spaces completely, 
it just replaces them with underscores, i.e. "Symphony No2 in D Major.flac" 
becomes symphony_no2_in_d_major.flac

> Would it be worth my pursuing a solution that substitutes escaped spaces
> for spaces on the fly in the output from 'find'?  (I don't know enough
> to know whether that's even worth looking into.)

Probably a good option, Tony and others have got a few good ideas that are far 
more simple!



Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
Lug-Master (http://www.thanet.lug.org.uk),
Dad (http://www.helpmeimadad.com/),
Ubuntu User( http://www.ubuntu.com/)


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