I wrote to him. His response was as follows. The basic jist of my email, was
that he spoke from a very biased standpoint.

"Dear Sir

Your letter makes a lot of assumptions.

The UK's businesses, the SME market which forms the vast majority of UK
businesses - and in particular those who are NOT in IT, predominantly use
the Windows operating system. I write from a great deal of experience of
discussion, surveys and a quarter century in the industry. It is not Windows
propaganda, it is fact, borne of practical experience.  I will always listen
to anyone who puts a reasoned article forward.

Linux has its place in the server market, of that I have no doubt and
without Linux the embedded market would be very different - however in the
PC market, Windows XP pretty much has things wrapped up. That isn't an
opinion, it's a hard, cold fact. If that situation changes then I will of
course try to advise accordingly.

I look forward to hearing from your colleague - I hope however that his
communication is more reasoned and less insulting.


Peter Scargill"

On 23/05/07, Paul Tansom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

** Nicholas Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-05-22 20:40]:
> Chris Rowson wrote:
> > I found this article here
> >
> > Who wrote this? I've not read anything as poorly thought out and badly
> > researched as this in a long time!
> >
> > Nick, you're involved with the FSB aint'cha... I'd be having a word!
> >
> > Chris
> >
> Thanks I am a member and I will call him tommorow .
> If anyone else is a member of the FSB can they let me know
** end quote [Nicholas Butler]

Yup, I'm a member, and I'm sure I've exchanged emails with Peter before
regarding previous incarnations of his Linux v Windows piece, and I know
at least one other person has. His attitude to the speed with which he
bins any OS that can't talk to his Windows network out of the box is
nice given Microsoft's attitude to making the information available to do

I've decided that I will no longer talk to anyone who doesn't speak
fluent Pluggerish, a language of my own devising for which I will not be
publishing any dictionaries of phrase books. Sadly my range of
Pluggerish brain implants, apart from being purely fictional, aren't as
ubiquitous as Windows, so I can't get away with that ;)

For somebody with the IT experience he claims, he sure fails to
demonstrate it. I guess specialising in a narrow area of Windows (or any
narrow area for that matter) leaves you at a loss when outside your own
field of expertise - much like asking a GP to do brain surgery or visa

Paul Tansom | Aptanet Ltd. | http://www.aptanet.com/
Aptanet Ltd. | Registered in England | Company No: 4905028
Registered Office:
Crawford House, Hambledon Road, Denmead, Waterlooville, Hants., PO7 6NU


Never mistake motion for action...

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Charles Henry Turner, Age 17, United Kingdom.

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