On Mon, 2007-05-21 at 10:39 +0100, Alan Pope wrote:
> On Mon, May 21, 2007 at 09:00:08AM +0100, norman wrote:
> > and not too time consuming a process. Horror upon horrors, the scanner
> > does not work any more and the machines no longer link to the printer.
> > Now tell me, what am I to do?
> Visit this site and create one support ticket for each problem you have. One 
> for the printer, one for the scanner and one for pan.
> Detail the make and model of the printer/scanner and what you used to do 
> that made it work and how it now doesn't work. Detail any error messages you 
> receive.
> http://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ - If you are not already registered, 
> then click the link at the top right to register. Once registered come back 
> to that page and click "Ask a question" in the top left.

I am quite happy to do this if you can give a really good reason why I
should. Perhaps I should have added to the first paragraph in my
original post that I have been reporting bugs and making, what I hope
were useful comments, for more 2 1/2 years. I am not one to name drop
but, if you want a little more background, I suggest you look up Daniel
Silverstone who is my son.

The problem with the scanner has been reported time and time again by
many users of different scanners. I believe the bug was known to the
developers even before 7.04 was released. I have been lead to understand
that the scanner problem may not be resolved before the next Ubuntu
release. If true this is not good enough and leaves a very bad taste.
The use of the scanner is for work not an intellectual exercise.

The printer problem is well known internationally and has occurred
before when changing from one Ubuntu to another. This was solved in the
past, the 'how to' publicised but has happened yet again. So much for
reports being noted.

As for Pan, this has been well discussed and details have already been
publicised. If you want more detail have a look at ubuntu-users list.



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