On 14/05/07, I C McNab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Neil Greenwood wrote:
> > One thing you could look at is using LVM, which can resize the
> > partitions later. It's probably not the best thing to try if you're
> > new to Linux, especially to use for the / partition.
> >
> > The other thing you can do is leave some empty space at the moment, in
> > case you guess wrong. You can always move a directory tree (such as
> > /usr) to another partition - it's quite easy when using a Live CD, but
> > you can do it when the partitions are mounted (but it takes some
> > fiddling) - if you want to do the latter, I can dig out a link that
> > explains what to do step-by-step.
> >
> Neil >>> Thanks for the ideas.  I think you're right about LVM - may be
> a bit advanced for me just now.
>     I wish I'd had your idea about leaving some space before I went
> ahead.  But never mind - I made / 30Gb, swap 2Gb, and /home got the rest
> of the space.  I guess, if need be, I could split the /home partition,
> which is the last on the drive, and move a directory tree.  I'm hoping
> this won't ever be necessary;  but I'd be grateful if you could send the
> link if you think it might help.

Here's the link I mentioned originally:

This describes how to move a directory tree on a live system. It is
specifically for AIX, but all the commands should work on Ubuntu too.
If you come across something that's confusing or doesn't work the
same, let me know.
It's a similar process using a Live CD (such as the Ubuntu install
CD), but you need to mount all the filesystems first.

Here's a link to a link to an article about using LVM:
The article about LVM is linked from this page, but I included this
link since it also discusses resizing partitions with LVM.
As I said and you agreed, this is possibly too advanced at the moment.
One suggestion is to set up a small virtual install (e.g. qemu,
vmware, or xen) and play about with LVM in that (then the rest of your
data should be safe).

The final link discusses how to resize partitions:
The disclaimer at the top is scary, but it means that you need to
think about your particular situation before typing in any commands.
If you type the commands exactly as printed, you may well lose your

What a link-fest!

Dw i'n dysgu cymraeg. Mae fy merched i byddwch yn mynd i'r ysgol
gymraeg. So I'd like to be able to understand them!



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