On Sun, 2007-04-29 at 10:39 +0100, LeeUKHA wrote:
> > We've got time for you to try writing the disk image on the laptop.
> > Like I've said, though, if you can burn a disk image with software on
> > your existing Mac, give it a go.
> >   
> Rather then messing about with burning CDs, why not just burn one 
> yourself, check the integrity by booting the CD and running the disk 
> check, and then sticking it in the post?
> And then order a load in from the Canonical 'Ship-it'  service for next 
> time...

I even thought about making the journey to Robin's and suggesting that
list members could make some contribution to the costs.  But I drive a
gas-guzzler and it'd cost a small fortune.  Besides, I haven't got that
much spare time right now.

I thought about posting a CD, but burning an ISO isn't that tough to
justify it.  I think it also helps when you're doing any task to learn
associated tasks that aren't that complex - like burning disks - along
the way, because once you've got the knowledge you can adapt it in other

I think the Shipit idea is a good one - and one that Robin's taken up -
but I think most people would rather just download the image and burn
it.  It's faster and more convenient this way but a lot of people find
doing some things new difficult at first.

Oh, and I'm not Mother Theresa.  Thanks for the suggestion, though.


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