Passive PROFITS wrote:
> Hi All,
> Anyway.  Having just fully set up my desktop (LAMP
> installation of server running fine!), I've just
> trashed it by misconfiguring config.  I perhaps
> could have tried some neat boot CD to fix it, but
> thought better, and have just started completely
> reinstalling.
> My question, so I don't end up losing a day (again!)
> is what is the best method for me to backup my / ??

The best thing to do is to make a copy of the file before you edit 
it, then if it breaks you can log-in in 'rescue mode', and do "cp 
xorg-backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf" (or just boot from a live cd and do it) 
to restore it.

> Questions:
> 1.  Which utility do I use to back-up / ?
> nb:  I understand I can simply zip/gz/tar the whole
> drive's contents .... is that right!?

You could do that, if I were backing up a folder to another directory on 
the local computer that's what I'd do. The other way to do a whole drive 
backup is to use a command line tool called "dd", you probably don't 
want to do that.

> 2.  Can I back up direct from / (ex3) to NTFS
>     (or do I need to format current NTFS to ex3 1st?

As long as you're doing the .tar.gz/.zip method that's fine.

If I wanted to backup my system configuration i'd do 'sudo tar czf 
backup.tar.gz /etc' that would copy everything in your /etc directory to 
a tarball (like a zip file) called backup.tar.gz. You could probably use 
gui tools to do it to.



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