"At the moment, things seem to be spread out a bit thinly, and mightbenefit
from being brought together..."
I agree with everything being too spread out and sometimes a little confusing.
Everything being brought to one place for quick reference would be ideal. Maybe
not so much everything centralised, say LUGS can keep the way they work but
just send updates to the central website?
As for subs, I wouldn't see a problem paying £10 a quarter, or even more
frequently.Luke> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED];
ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com> Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 12:22:08 +0100> Subject: Re:
[ubuntu-uk] LUGs> > On Fri, 2007-03-30 at 11:21 +0100, Alan Pope wrote:> > On
Fri, Mar 30, 2007 at 11:05:21AM +0100, TheVeech wrote:> > > I don't know if
it's done at the moment, but I wouldn't mind paying subs> > > (say something
like £10 a quarter) to contribute to events, a> > > half-yearly magazine, etc.
that's more targeted to LUG members and> > > attractive to a wider audience of
users? I'd like meeting people in my> > > area, but I'd also like to be able to
meet up with people from further> > > afield for debates and functions, and so
on.> > > > > > > Funny you should mention that.> > > > I suspect that in the
future LUG.org.uk may start asking for donations for > > the running of the
service, but that's by no means guaranteed. If they did > > it might also make
sense to use some/all of that money to go towards FLOSS > > projects.> > I'd be
happy to pay subs, especially if I got something like a car badge> or a mug (!)
- but I think I'd want the bulk of the money to go towards> UK LUG activities
and increasing the profile of the site and the> organisation.> > > > This has
been discussed over pints numerous times in the past, but > > LUG.org.uk have
been "lucky" most times having people donate physical > > hardware or money to
cover the cost of hosting etc.> > Perhaps hardware and hosting could be covered
by subs, donations or> maybe some promotional drive? Harass some organisations
into donating> server equipment? Sponsorship?> > > > > At least something like
this should bring LUGs working together a bit> > > more?> > > > > > > Indeed.
More ideas welcome! > > > > Very shortly a new server and new website should be
going into lug.org.uk > > which should help to foster better inter-LUG
communication and > > collaboration, but any further suggestions are always
welcome.> > > > In fact I'll be running a BoF (Birds Of a Feather) session at
LUGRadio Live > > 2007 to talk about this more and get more ideas from people.>
> I don't know if this is workable, but maybe if things like LUGRadio were>
incorporated into the LUG.org.uk site, people would find it easier to> have a
one-stop place for Linux in the UK? With such a centralised> approach, I think
the many heads involved in the currently separate> initiatives could share the
burden of things like hardware and hosting> and produce a pretty impressive
site.> > At the moment, things seem to be spread out a bit thinly, and might>
benefit from being brought together, with a compelling features that are> as
relevant to mainstream users as to existing LUG members? That way,> the site
may become one of those that people want to visit frequently.> It may be a way
to increase membership, too. Maybe we could borrow from> the world of politics
and have something like a national body alongside> the local branches (if there
isn't already one)?> > As for keeping news and features current and
interesting, I'm sure the> different LUGs could maintain a constant supply of
news and features -> which would be another incentive for these LUGs to make
things happen?> > > > Cheers,> > Al.> > > > > -- > ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com>
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