On Wed, 2007-03-28 at 09:21 +0100, Chris Rowson wrote:
> > Not really a turnaround. The trademark policy is quite clear on
> > modifying the logo.
> >
> > http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy
> >
> > Those have been the same since at least 2005, probably longer.
> >
> In which case nowt has changed then ;-)
> So there should be no problem with submitting modified graphics to
> Canonical for approval :-P

You're not reading any of the links I've posted. At the above link,
under "Logo Standards", it explains in detail what Canonical would
prefer you to do in relation to the logo, and that includes not
modifying it except in the ways stipulated. So does Matthew's email that
I linked to earlier in the thread.

However, as we've all said on this thread already, Canonical are quite
nice about the issue in general. These are intended to be guidelines,
which we should follow, rather than some kind of dictatorial stance.

I don't really see how this issue is complicated!!

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