On Wed, 2007-03-28 at 16:58 +0100, Colin McCarthy wrote:
> On 3/28/07, TheVeech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         Trouble is, the one for my neck of
>         the woods is supposed to be active but its website hasn't been
>         updated
>         for a long time. 
> What is your neck of the woods?  I am a member of the Kent LUG and we
> are quiet active. 
> It is great to 'physically' meet like minded people rather than just
> talk online.  Sometimes our meetings are pure geekfests, but we love
> helping new converts and welcome new members to the group.  That was
> my reception when I converted last year. 

This meeting people who are actually using Linux is great, but at the
moment, in the offline world, I tend to only meet up with people who are
essentially newbies.  That's helpful in its way, but it's a bit
restrictive for me and them.

> Colin


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