Steve Spiller wrote:
> Adam McMaster wrote:
>> On 23 Feb 2007, at 14:24, George MacLeod wrote:
>>> The link is
>>> ondemand_services.html
>> Thanks, looks like Jono's link has a hyphen instead of an underscore.
>> The relevant portion of the Trust's provisional conclusions, for  
>> those who haven't already read it:
>> pvt_iplayer/iplayer_pvt_provisional_conclusions.pdf
>>> The Microsoft-based DRM strategy for seven-day TV catch-up over the  
>>> internet
>>> The BBC Executive proposes a digital rights management solution  
>>> which would require
>>> consumers to be using Windows XP (or above) and Windows Media  
>>> Player 10 (or above) to
>>> be able to access seven-day TV catch-up over the internet. The PVA  
>>> noted that we would
>>> expect the BBC to adopt a platform-agnostic approach. The MIA also  
>>> identified benefits to a
>>> platform-agnostic approach.
>>> We propose to require the BBC Executive to adopt a platform- 
>>> agnostic approach to rights
>>> management within a reasonable timeframe. The MIA notes an  
>>> expectation that the BBC
>>> Executive plans to develop a Real Player alternative in the near  
>>> future. Our understanding is
>>> that the BBC Executive aspires to offer an alternative DRM  
>>> framework, which would enable
>>> Apple and Linux users to access the service, but has yet to  
>>> identify a satisfactory solution. In
>>> either case, we will expect this to have been addressed within 24  
>>> months.
>> I'm glad to see they're already aware of the problem, though it would  
>> clearly be better if they chose not to use DRM at all rather than  
>> trying to find a cross-platform solution.
>> --
>> Adam McMaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Can't remember exactly what I put but it was something like "rather than 
> spending time, money and resources on Digital Restrictions Management 
> which inconveniences only the legitimate user and has been proved time 
> and again to be no barrier to crackers (see what has happened to the 
> 'unbreakable' HDCP mess) make the whole experience more enjoyable for 
> the customer and platform agnostic".
> Hopefully DRM will eventually disappear, once they realise that it is a 
> waste of time and money. Produce a better product and people will buy it.
> Unfortunately it's not all up to the BBC - according to their 
> literature, their 'content partners' are insisting on some form of DRM.
Partly because the BBC only pays for UK rights, not for the entire world.



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