On Mon, 2007-01-15 at 10:42 +0000, alan c wrote:
> John McCourt wrote:
> > It's great that the Beeb are talking about OSS. I wish
> > they'd talk more about Linux on "Click" and the news
> > though.
> I have stopped bothering to watch Click, it is simply not relevant to 
> Linux or open source at all.


The guy who previously used to present it (who now interestingly I have
only seen on BBC News 24 when there was a strike on) seemed very
blinkered towards FLOSS.

I remember one instance where they were replying to letters/emails about
64-bit computing after they had previously done a segment about 64-bit

Viewers pointed out that (at the time - don't know if it is still true)
you could not buy a boxed copy of WindowsXP 64-bit edition, you had to
get it from your OEM - with a new box. They also pointed out that Linux
(and other non-Windows operating systems) have had 64-bit support (in
one guise or another) for some time. He appeared to just dismiss this
out of hand. 

That was enough to make me never want to watch it again.


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