Dave Ewart wrote:
> On Friday, 22.12.2006 at 13:39 +0000, James Tait wrote:
>> Essentially it's a fob-off.
> Cheeky bugger, isn't he?

OK, I get that this is hardly news, I mean he had to toe the line and
politicians hide behind policy to avoid giving a straight answer to a
question all the time.  My question is what are we going to do about it?

While reading through the statement I remember thinking "Oh, so all I
need to do then is set up a free software consultancy."  Then I went on
to thinking that even if I did that, I'd still have to jump through
hoops to become accredited -- sorry, an approved supplier -- and I'd
still have to compete with the likes of Microsoft who have ample
resource to be able to "deliver and support a comprehensive suite of
technologies" and offer "open source solutions as part of a managed
service".  SMEs don't, and that's the point.

I'd like to push Mr Johnson for a more direct response to these concerns
rather than fobbing me (us) off with a canned reply.  But is this
something other people would be interested in seeing, and is it likely
to get a real response?

James Tait, BSc                        |    xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programmer and Free Software advocate  |      Mobile: +44 (0)7779 337596


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