DHCP works by a machine on the network acting as a server and giving
out IP addresses and configuration information for the other machines.
In small networks this is often integrated wth the router. When I asked
about if this was all with the same server I assumed you were trying to
get an ubuntu machine to get an IP address (and other other details)
from a DHCP server, and was wondering if that server might be the bit
that isn't working. Looking back over more of the thread I notice that
you are setting up an ubuntu server so I might have things backwards
and you want the ubuntu machine to be the DHCP server?
Yes, I was not looking to set up subnetworks and give out ip addresses with
dhcp but to have an ubuntu machine act as a server to a windows machine. I
could not even have gotten that far becasue dhcp configuration failed and
was thus skipped at installation.
I wanted the installation procedure to dynamically set up the networking
addresses but as ethernet
and dhcp both failed I was given the default loop back device, this was
still no good as there was no ethernet detection.
So current situe is to get a machine which passes ethernet detection [good]
and dhcp configuration[good but not essential]
Where can you get Xwindows from? Also To run Xwindows would you have active
desktop already installed?
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