On Fri, Nov 10, 2006 at 12:49:33PM +0000, Andy wrote:
> If you use mPlayer in FireFox you may need to right click on the video
> while it is playing and check 'show controls', it should provide you
> with play and pause at the bottom of the page

Ooo, never knew that. 

I think I'll have a go at getting the quickones site up with proper links to 
the videos 
and some FAQs about playing them. I'll put tips like this in there too.

> On 10/11/06, gord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > to be honest mpeg (mpeg2) is extremely old technology and there is a
> > reason that every single mpeg video you ever see on the net is around
> > 320x240 in size, its also no good as a master copy as its just as lossy
> > as every other compression technique around.
> I imagine it depends on what format the screen capture software
> chooses to dump its output as.

I am using xvidcap at the moment which can capture in any one of a number of 
formats. I 
am currently using MPEG2 as the capture because I know I can a) edit it in 
avidemux, and 
b) convert to OGG later with ffmpeg2theora, oh and c) it doesn't place a 
massive load on 
the machine to encode to MPEG2 whereas encoding to OGG murders the CPU.

> I know recordmydesktop does ogg thoera

It does, and that's one reason I now don't use it. Once you have an OGG it's 
not that 
easy to convert it to other formats. Having the "master" as MPEG2 is a lot more 

> On 10/11/06, gord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It would make more sense to store an ogg/theora video as the master at a
> > high quality and provide a small mpeg video
> Which software can edit an ogg theora file?

Nothing I've found, nothing well anyway.

> I haven't watched the videos about flash yet, my connection is going
> slow as a dog, I have watched the other two, and am impressed.

Thank you.

> I tried installing qemu myself so I could do tutorials in a VM myself,
> but I think my machine is underpowered, graphical one took took long
> to even load the install screen, I will try a non-graphical install
> later.

Are you using the kqemu (non-free kernel module) accellerator with qemu? It 
makes a 
tremendous difference to the performance.

> Or I could just not bother using a VM, but it will be more accurate to
> a newly installed machine than my altered version of Ubuntu.

Or you could install Ubuntu on another machine and remotely control it via VNC, 
record the VNC window. This has the advantage that the processing of doing the 
demo is 
done on one computer, and the recording processing is done on another. This 
means you 
don't have one computer doing both, and getting swamped as a result.



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