On 08/11/06, STONE COLD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ok heres what happens i try clicking on the folder and changing permissions
> to it..but it wont let me..i click on the ticks but after being highlighted
> for a second will just go off..
> secondly...
> cd /your/shared_directory
> >sudo chmod -R o+r *
> Do i input exactly how it is..whats "your" stand for? hope this makes sense!

Sorry. It basically means replace all of "/your/shared_directory" with
the path your own directory - I thought it was obvious, but it really
isn't if you've not done this before.  Apologies for the confusion.

It would probably help at this point to tell us which folder you're
trying to share.  For example:

What is it called?
Where is it? e.g. is it on your Desktop, in your Home folder, or somewhere else.

If you don't understand those questions, try describing the process
you go through to open up the directory you're trying to share. It
should be possible to give you the full command to copy into the
terminal once we have that info.

Feels like we're getting somewhere anyway!



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