alan c wrote:
> Dean Sas wrote:
>> alan c wrote:
>>> William Anderson wrote:
>>>> Jono Bacon wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 2006-11-01 at 15:44 +0000, Paul Sladen wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, 1 Nov 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Paul,
>>>>>>> The Nottingham Lug is having a LAN party / install fest in november  
>>>>>>> Does anyone know a quick way of getting a hundred or so Edgy disks  
>>>>>>> without using SHIP-IT or copying them myself?
>>>>>> Ship IT is basically going to concentrate on shipping 6.06 LTS CDs;  I
>>>>>> believe Michael Simms (CC'ed) has a CD duplicator up that way!
>>>>> Maybe we should have a wiki page with a list of duplication services?
>>>> So started:
>>> Good idea, but I -know- I am going to loose this link soon - Where is
>>> a uk team resource list index?
>> Bookmark it!
> LOL I already have so many of everything! The bookmarks list contains
> 32 folders, and around 300 sites. But enough of my problems! The
> central reference for links will be very useful.
> I have found a couple of questions about the wiki (note1), including
> how I find something if I do not have my
> (very well organised...   :-) ) bookmarks list to hand.

With epiphany you can tag your bookmarks and let epiphany create a 
hierarchy for you. Even better you can just start writing "UKTeam" in 
the address bar and it should give you a list of bookmarks that you've 
tagged with "UKTeam". Epiphany has the best approach to bookmarks I've saw.

You can also get a extension which syncs your bookmarks and tags to so you can access them anywhere. Maybe 
firefox/whatever has a similar extension

*ends ephy evangelism*



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