Scibuntu is Ubuntu Linux for scientists and science students. Scibuntu is not just another Linux distribution. It is a script that adds scientific programs and other convinient tools to the plain desktop Ubuntu.
Most programs in Scibuntu are already out there in the Ubuntu repositories Scibuntu collects them for you and puts them into your computer. Some programs are fetched from other places.
- Ah, well, but why isn't Scibuntu a distribution?
There are plenty of good distros out there so there isn't need for another one. More distros confuse the users and divide the community's resources. A script with adaptations is easier to build, maintain and make documentation for.
What is included
- Tools for reading and writing scientific text: LaTeX, Ghostscript, Ghostview and Acroread.
- Math and statistics tools like Octave and r
- Plotting tools like Gnuplot, Grace and Labplot
- Bioinformatics packages like Clustalw, Clustalx, Treepuzzle, Treewiewx and T-coffee
- Chemistry tools like RasMol, PyMol and GROMACS
- More console tools shar, memtest, dos2unix, strings, strip etc.
- Development packages for C, C++, Bioperl, Biopython, FORTRAN and Emacs.
Check it out