> I've no problem with Nik leading the group, however perhaps there should 
thank you  .
> be a more formal voting system so we don't actually leave anyone out? 
Im open to this , I would have thought that we would need to set a term 
limit and id like to incorporate some elements of a basic organisation 
into the team but I didnt want to get into that sought of thing until at 
least after christmas where in we would have completed the task below 
and defined a few basic goals. [1]

So  can I ask just  one thing ?

Can we get the Approval Application reviewed and considered by as many 
people on this list as possible  ? ( Im asking on IRC as well ) We have 
until the 13th of November  to make sure its content is what we expect 
and that we have accredited experience and skills as appropriate. Jono 
is flying out tommorow and It would be great to enable him to have 
something local to consider as soon as he gets back online. Id really 
like to be able to get the approval in before the next issue of Linux 
User & developer gets to print.

So thank you for that .


[1] Im from sussex lug were we are far more JFDI than LW2A.


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