Before we get to far from the story I thought the following might be a 
suitable submission.

This years Linux World Expo in London saw many firsts including  the  
"in -person " gathering of the Ubuntu UKTeam members. The commitment and 
enthusiasm of the members shone through in the organisation and delivery 
of the Ubuntu UK stand at the .ORG village. The  village which hosts 
many of the community projects from Hula to MythTV continued to suffer 
from packed isles and questioning visitors who gathered around the 
Ubuntu UK stand. Proving themselves "The Support community"  its  
members tirelessly answered questions, dispensed Ubtuntu CDs  and 
refilled the depleting stocks of Canonicals own stand. Meeting together 
on the first day to discuss the roadmap and goals for the team it is 
clear that the UKTeam are keen to bring the spirit to Ubuntu to their 
own communities and to become approved community members as soon as 
possible. However nothing in the UKTeam is done in all seriousness which 
was evidenced by the recreation of the new Edgy Logo.

Possible attachments from

Mr Sladen, would you like to spit and polish this up a little for 
submission ?



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