> I don't think Ubuntu UK should have extending Jono's software as one of
> its goals - it just looks kinda strange. 
Yeah , I figured that after I had posted about it, I should have restate 
the conversation better because it does look like a jono spec. The 
conversation came about from a number of Members who were looking for 
ways to aid new users with some common tasks. We discussed screencasts 
and demo videos and the conversation as you can see from those 
interested was more about what exists , how well does it work , what 
will be needed to make it better and what do we do . It was Jono who 
added a clear spec of what should be achieved and what we might expect 
the process to do. I guess its the clarity of the specification that 
enabled the idea to Gel quickly. I nominaly wanted to call it Vodka ( 
dont ask ! ) but I was thinking about where JoKosher could fit in and 
wrote Vodkosher . So I guess I will take the blame for the pushing this 
project along. I can see Mr Morley has already begun the process of 
sampling what can and cant be done in hi Gaim Demo.



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