My feet are right here Sean. I will get one when I can afford it and find the right one for me. Remember I am a pensioner :-))
-------Original Message-------
Date: 27/10/2006 23:23:58
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Wow
Somebody took a long time to say :-
> Test what. I am on XP and the speed shows clearly enough. From 2000 to 1000
> is a drop in my view.
> We will see in I use a different router I guess.
I assume this was the relevant part of the post.. bloody hard to find,
to be honest... what planet are these people on?
All I can say is that any modern modem-router should be able to do
8mbps, let alone 2mbps so let's forget this nonsence.
Just get the thing Ian... you know it's right :-)