On Sun, Oct 01, 2006 at 04:14:52PM +0100, David M wrote:
> Alan Pope wrote in gmane.linux.ubuntu.user.british 
>  about: This list name/description 
> > It's a minor thing really, but the name of this list is Ubuntu-UK and the
> > descriptive text says "For organising Ubuntu stuff in the UK.", but the
> > banner at the top (and the description in mails from the list) says "British
> > Ubuntu Talk". 
> >
> > I don't want to start a semantic argument but UK != GB. Can we get it
> > harmonised one way or the other. I wouldn't want us to be annoying people
> > for this minor issue.
> British is the adjective for UKian, for obvious reasons of 
> pronounceability. ;-)

Heh, fair comment. I just wanted to raise it before it was raised by someone
who actually cared about these things :) I'm British(English) so it's not
that much of an issue for me personally, I just find that UK and GB get
confusified sometimes and wanted to clarify the situation on this list.

> Yes, it's not properly inclusive, although a citizen of Northern Ireland
> is "British" as far as offical records of nationality are concerned, even 
> if they may not see themselves to be so(!).

Also true. It just seemed inconsistent that's all.



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