
Manchester seems popular so far. Personally I'm easy about location as long
as I can get there by train or bus.
For those who cant get to Manchester, any suggestions about where might be
good for you, thats still pretty accessible?

Joining with Manchester LUG

I'm a split on this issue. I've listed some pros and cons that I can think
of below.

Pros - People who are already involved. They are running an installfest on
the October 21st of various distros, including Ubuntu (dapper and a couple
of edgy cd's).
        - Established meeting place!

Con - Would we appear as trying to take over?
        Are we trying to form our own identity as an Ubuntu group, or would
we be better off as part of the Manchester LUG?

Jono did write (11/09)

> * Try to work with local LUGs to encourage combined meetings.

Might be an idea to split the meetings? Alter between an Ubuntu group
meeting and a Man LUG? That way we get a chance to develop our own identity
without taking over a pre-existing group (hopefully we will grow from more
than a handful).

Adam C

Daniel: GnuPG comes up on my machine as saying "Signature issued by a
non-valid key". I'm not to sure what that means but thought you'd want to

Adam Challis
skype : adam_challis
GnuPG Fingerprint: 4564 8FD0 98C0 18C4 1EB3 F846 9753 C6FD F888 0C51

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