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-------- Forwarded Message --------
> From: Thomas Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: GUADEC 2007 in the UK?
> Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 12:57:13 -0000 (GMT)
> To every GNOME user and developer in the UK,
> Around February time, the foundation will put out the call for hosts for
> GUADEC 2007. The purpose of this e-mail is to gauge the amount of interest
> in hosting this event somewhere in the UK.
> GUADEC is the GNOME User and Developer European Conference, which brings
> together developers, GNOME Foundation leaders, individuals, businesses and
> governments, as well as Free Software and Open Source software users. The
> conference is a unique forum that highlights the capabilities and
> direction of GNOME - the user environment for desktop computers, networked
> servers and portable Internet devices.
> *** If you would be interested in GUADEC being held in the UK in 2007
> please respond to this e-mail! ***
> Depending on the number of responses to this e-mail, it should be possible
> to much support there is for the event happening in the UK. Even if you
> know you won't be able to offer any help, please just let us know you
> would be interested in the event even occurring in the UK.
> On the organisational side, we would need a team of around 8-10 people
> willing to help organise the event, which involves finding a sponsor and
> organising a location, facilities and equipment. You do not need to be a
> hacker to be involved in this - you need to be someone who is willing to
> give some time to organising a 500+ person event.
> If you have any relevant experience in any of above the please note it in
> your reply.
> -Thomas
> _______________________________________________
> Gnome-uk-list mailing list
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