Agreed, Canonical has to think on selling this idea to distributors of said 
I think local Ubuntu groups should start talking to production companies and 
get them 

to talk to Canonical and get them motivated on selling their products on the 

Ubuntu One Store. This is the biggest thing that the local groups should do is 

Word of mouth is still very powerful. As I am typing I am also emailing a 
couple of 

Canadian independent films companies to sell their products through Ubuntu One 

Advertising needs to begin yesterday. Companies will sell products on anything 
if they hear enough hype.

 From: Mohammad Afaneh <>
To: Jim Hodapp <> 
Cc: Kévin PEIGNOT <>; "" 
Sent: Tuesday, February 7, 2012 11:48:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-tv] Ubuntu One Store

So I guess there are two separate things here that relate to language settings:

First, there is the language setting for the software which most definitely 
should be multilingual, and customized like Jim said.

The second is the language for subtitles and audio for the content itself. This 
would really depend mostly on the content itself, and whether it was provided 
by the source or not. For example, some content produced in US might only have 
English subtitles (for the hearing impaired), whereas you might be able to get 
the same content from another studio in another country that licensed it and 
dubbed or subtitled it. So it really depends on the source of the content.

Another issue is the legal aspect of it and being able to sell/rent content 
worldwide, and this is not really an easy task.

my 2 cents

- Mohammad

On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 11:24 AM, Jim Hodapp <> wrote:

>    Your concern is a good one indeed. However, good software can do the right 
>thing out of the box while also having a simple way of changing this setting 
>for those who want something different than the default behavior.
>For example, the default setting may be to auto select a language based on 
>region, like English for the U.S., but then provide a way to select French as 
>a global default override.
>On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 2:15 AM, Chris <> wrote:
>Okay, originally I misunderstood you indeed. But then an other thing to think 
>about: I'm from Holland, would this mean that I've got no option to get the 
>latest content from (e.g.) America? Because normally everything for Dutch 
>people needs to be subbed first, whereas I really don't mind if it's English 
>without subs. In fact I prefer it without nowadays.
>>So should it be something you don't have to think about or should we provide 
>>options for those that are different? (Also think about immigrants who have 
>>English as their natural tongue even!).
>>Just some food for thought.
>>With metta, Chris
>>On Feb 7, 2012 4:57 AM, "Sandy Martin" <> wrote:
>>Sorry I think I am misunderstood . What I mean by "Not an option" is that you 
>>should not even have to think about it (of course it will be multi-lingual). 
>>In a global market you want to be multi-lingual to reach a wider audience.  
>>> From: Chris <>
>>>To: Sandy Martin <> 
>>>Cc: "" <>; Kévin 
>>>PEIGNOT <> 
>>>Sent: Monday, February 6, 2012 8:44:41 PM
>>>Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-tv] Ubuntu One Store
>>>Why can't it be multi-lingual? Certain shows are recorded and showed in one 
>>>language in one country and subtitled or even dubbed in other countries. One 
>>>country famous in my land for dubbing every show is Germany (this is just as 
>>>reference, no hard feelings). What could be an option its having a "source 
>>>file" with a "default" language and add extra audio streams and subtitles as 
>>>optional download. Just idea, but I think it could work.
>>>With metta, Chris
>>>On Feb 7, 2012 2:07 AM, "Sandy Martin" <> wrote:
>>>I think multi-lingual is not an option especially if you want the product 
>>>world wide.
>>>> From: Kévin PEIGNOT <>
>>>>To: Sandy Martin <> 
>>>>Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 5:58:27 AM
>>>>Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-tv] Ubuntu One Store
>>>>I would love that to !!! And if it was multi-language it would be better !
>>>>2012/1/28 Sandy Martin <>
>>>>Ok, I would love to see the Ubuntu One Store sell tons of shows and if 
>>>>purchased you could download to your settop box or ubuntu one cloud. This 
>>>>giving Production companies more freedom to get theres shows / movies 
>>>>around the world. 
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