Hi Gunnar,

Thanks for your answer to this problem. As coordinator of the Dutch Translation Team I have contacted Pascal to welcome him to our team. I hope your suggestion works.

Hannie Dumoleyn

Op 30-03-2022 om 00:21 schreef Gunnar Hjalmarsson:
On 2022-03-29 19:41, pascal wrote:
Greetings Ubuntu translators,

I'm trying to contribute on translating ubuntu items from english to
Dutch but i dont see any fields to place a new translation
suggestion. I'm logged into to Launchpad, but i'm not yet a member to
a translate team.

Should i be able to translate items as guest or not?

You should indeed be able to submit suggestions. The screenshot you linked to from the other message is not what I see if I visit that page. For each string I see a "New suggestion" field, but those are missing on the screenshot.

Btw, this is the URL to the page in question:

It would be useful to know if others have encountered this issue, i.e. not being able to submit translation suggestions via Launchpad's translation interface.

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