Hi, Marc:

2015-04-21 13:03 GMT-05:00 Marc . <ktatar...@gmail.com>:
> - if app/scope landing in store, is it also lands in launchpad?

Launchpad is a development platform, or a forge, which a developer may
use or not. There are developers who prefer to work with GitHub, and
that’s fine.

> - is there one place to translate all 3rd party apps/scopes?

No, for the same reason stated above. Each third party developer
chooses their workflow and tools.

> If second not, maybe better way will be that: someone created app /
> scope and he want to publish it in store. So he will be obliged to
> make possibility of translating that in launchpad / other centralized
> place?

No, please don’t force people to do that. Not all free software
projects are in Launchpad, not all Android/iOS applications are
developed and translated with the same tools. Why should the Ubuntu
platform be different in that regard, and force everyone to use tools
which may not be the most efficient for their workflow? We’re talking
about the freedom that everyone has to work however they want.

Best regards

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