Ok, I'm a *really* unhappy bunny just now. I've just finished upgrading to 13.04 with great expectations which promptly came crashing down around my head. Could someone please explain to me why we are still getting the old crap translations even when we've committed proofread ones?

For example
Search your computer and online sources
was proofread in July and set to
Lorg air a' choimpiutair agad is air loidhne

But what I'm getting on my machine is still the old crap:
Sir do choimputair agus bunan-tùs air-loidhne

Most, like "Aithris an trioblaid" (Report issue/problem), "Na H-uile Suidheachaidhean" (All Settings) I cannot even find anywhere on Launchpad. Does this mean there are files getting pulled from other places to build the langpacks?

Or does the fact I appear to be on Mubuntu mean that stuff got pulled from Mint (which we didn't manage to clean up in time because we discovered it too late)?

This is really getting a bit beyond a joke, I'm really really disappointed that after all the time we've put in to fix this without managing to get a global deletion of all the bad translations there was either a key step we weren't told we had to make or that something got messed up along the way somewhere.


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