Den 19-01-2012 17:43, Simos Xenitellis skrev:
On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 12:59 PM, David Planella
< <>> wrote:
Hi all,
In a conversation with other translators yesterday, the subject of
localized images in Ubuntu Docs came up.
We were wondering how to make it easier for everyone to be able to
provide images in their language, other than starting to submit
branch proposals to the Ubuntu docs bzr branch (not everyone is
familiar with bzr).
One idea that came up was to set up an Ubuntu One share with the
content of the upstream branch's ubuntu-help folder, i.e:
Once the documentation string freeze is over, we could open the
share and translators should only need to:
- fetch the source images from C/figures
- create their localized images
- copy then to their <locale>/figures folder
Then once the NonLanguagePackTranslationDeal__ine is reached, we
could submit a merge proposal against the upstream ubuntu-docs
branch with the contents of the share.
I believe this would make it easy for translators to provide the
localized images (just copy images to a folder instead of dealing
with Bazaar) and easy for members of the docs team to include them
(just need to accept a single merge proposal).
If you all think it could be a good idea, I'd be happy to set up the
share and organize all the rest.
Let me know what you think.
On the issue of how to visualise what figures are needed or what needs
I think it's nice to have a feature similar to GNOME's, as in
which shows in the first column the original screenshot and in the right
column any provided localisations.
I like the Ubuntu One idea for the collection of the screenshots.
Since all the files (including figures) in the launchpad repositories
are brows-able and located in a predictable URL-folderstructure, it
shouldn't be much trouble to make a primitive version of a page like
that. If no-one else wants to do it, I can help with it. We just need
somewhere to drop the files on a webserver with php.
Regards Kenneth
PS: What would off course be even easier would be if we had a access to
a server that could run a bzr pull on a cronjob, but that raises the
demands a bit.
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