
Thanks for that info - I'm on Launchpad already for gd, just haven't done much to date cause 2011 was a busy year for getting releases for applications first (like LibreOffice).

Last question about the accelerators. If we leave them out completely, will the system assign them automatically?


22/10/2011 13:26, sgrìobh Simos Xenitellis:
Hi Michael,
THe Scots Gaelic translations come from Launchpad and <> You can join the translation team there, and get in contact with the existing translators.
If the current team needs help, you can consider leading them.

Most of the packages are pulled from external (to Ubuntu) projects,
such as from GNOME.

Only a few packages (maybe 5% of total translation work) is specific to Ubuntu.
These are translated in Launchpad.

Indeed, if you install the language support for a partially supported language, the UI will show any text that has been translated, and if something is untranslated, it will come
up in English.


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