Hi :)
I only just got this email today, Monday.  Hopefully other people got it in 
better time.  If it's just my email client then that's fine.  
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Sat, 10/9/11, Yaron Shahrabani <sh.ya...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Yaron Shahrabani <sh.ya...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Freeze breaking in User Menu
To: "Ted Gould" <t...@ubuntu.com>
Cc: "Ubuntu Translators List" <ubuntu-translators@lists.ubuntu.com>, "Matthew 
Paul Thomas" <m...@canonical.com>, "Ubuntu Documentation Team List" 
<ubuntu-...@lists.ubuntu.com>, "Sebastien Bacher" <seb...@ubuntu.com>, "Conor 
Curran" <conor.cur...@canonical.com>
Date: Saturday, 10 September, 2011, 9:42

Can you please link to this string so we can translate it?
Yaron Shahrabani

<Hebrew translator>

On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 11:35 PM, Ted Gould <t...@ubuntu.com> wrote:


We've changed a menu item text to make it more clear on what it does.

Previously the menu item in the generic case read as "Switch User..."

and not is says "Switch User Account...".  This still works with the

translation setting to whether the language uses names in this type of

string or not.  It will also be shown in the case of the guest account,

where the user name is not useful.  Sorry for the late change.



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