Hey Rachid!

Thanks for your effort. I'll take a look at this but I think that's exactly
what we need.

Thanks again for your work!


2011/4/22 Rachid <rachi...@gmail.com>

> Hey Hendrik,
> I send this mail to the list again, it may be interesting for more
> translators.
> At this moment it isn't possible through the web interface. But with some
> changes it should be possible. Maybe I'll make a second version in the
> future. I can't just change the code, because it'll break current (wanted)
> functionality. So I think of some adding optional features or a second page
> to get a list as you requested.
> However, for the moment I know a cumbersome work around. if you checkout
> the code[1], you can run the tool from the commandline with: ./getstatus.py
> What you can do is make a wiki page which contains the Launchpad URL you
> need. Then you do
> ./getstatus.py URL_TO_WIKI | grep gnome
> to get the gnome packages only.
> The Gnome packages are divided over several "pages" if I look here [2].
> What you can do is make a wiki page for each Launchpad URL, and then make a
> bash script which runs the Tool for each wiki page and store it in 1 file.
> I've made an example for the first page on Launchpad here [3].
> Now I realize that the intended functionality is to let fully translated
> packages disappear from the list. If you want to get all packages you need
> to make a slight change in tranlationstatus_soup.py:
> PRINT_FINISHED_TRANSLATIONS = False <- Change False into True
> I hope you didnt't bogged down in all these details.
> [1] - https://code.launchpad.net/ul10n-wiki-stats
> [2] -
> https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+lang/nl/+index?batch=300
> [3] - http://wiki.ubuntu-nl.org/Rachid/TranslationTool/Gnome
> Cheers,
> Rachid.
> ps, I just did this to make the example wiki page:
> ./getstatus.py http://wiki.ubuntu-nl.org/Rachid/TranslationTool/Gnome |
> grep gnome
> On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 4:22 PM, Hendrik Knackstedt <
> hendrik.knackst...@t-online.de> wrote:
>> Well, I want to create a list only for certain packages. For example a
>> list of all Gnome-packages. So I need to retrieve the status of all these
>> packages from Launchpad.
>> I'd be a lot of work to update the status manually, so I thought maybe I
>> could use your tool to read only the status of Gnome-packages from the
>> overview pages and not all of them.
>> Maybe you could adapt your tool that if you create a wiki page that
>> contains package names, the tool only fetches the status of those packages
>> from the Launchpad overview pages?
>> Respectfully,
>> Hendrik
>> 2011/4/21 Rachid <rachi...@gmail.com>
>>> Hey Hendrik,
>>> The tool is built for use of overview pages like this:
>>> https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+lang/nl/?batch=300
>>> It will read the underlying HTML of this page to generate the status. If
>>> you can find a page (URL) on Launchpad which gives you the status
>>> of gnome-control-center in the same representation, the tool can be used. I
>>> just took a quick look into this, but couldn't find such an URL.
>>> So I think it's not possible what you exactly want. Though with some
>>> small changes it should be possible. But again, the goal of the tool is to
>>> read a big list of packages, en let translators reserve them.
>>> What is your goal by checking the status of a particular package? Why not
>>> looking on:
>>> https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/gnome-control-centerinstead?
>>> Regards,
>>> Rachid.
>>> On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 2:51 PM, Hendrik Knackstedt <
>>> hendrik.knackst...@t-online.de> wrote:
>>>> Hey Rachid!
>>>> I like your tool but I've got a question:
>>>> Is it possible to retrieve status only for specific packages?
>>>> Let's say I only want to retrieve the status of gnome-control-center. Is
>>>> that possible somehow?
>>>> Thanks for you help!
>>>> Hendrik
>>>> 2011/3/26 Rachid <rachi...@gmail.com>
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> The tool is initially build for wiki.ubuntu-nl.org and 
>>>>> wiki.ubuntu.comwhich are moinmoin. I see that mediawiki[1] uses another 
>>>>> markup for tables
>>>>> than moinmoin[2], so it doesn't support mediawiki at the moment.
>>>>> If there's a strong need I could look into extending the tool with
>>>>> support for mediawiki. Also anybody is free to get the code from Launchpad
>>>>> and make changes themselves. Please contact me if you want to commit your
>>>>> changes though.
>>>>> [1] - http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Tables
>>>>> [2] - http://moinmo.in/HelpOnTables
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Rachid.
>>>>> On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 9:51 AM, Ddorda <ddo...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hey there,
>>>>>> I wonder, is it an mediawiki or moinmoin system?
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Ddorda.
>>>>>> 2011/3/22 Rachid <rachi...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> Hi translators,
>>>>>>> Last weeks I've been working on a tool to generate wiki (status)
>>>>>>> pages based on launchpad translations. We use it now for the Dutch
>>>>>>> Translators Team on our wiki:
>>>>>>> http://wiki.ubuntu-nl.org/community/Vertaalteam/Status#Natty
>>>>>>> Feel free to experiment with it. This tool is developed with the
>>>>>>> workflow of the Dutch Team in mind. So if you have new ideas or 
>>>>>>> suggestions
>>>>>>> fee free to contact me, or make a blueprint in Launchpad.
>>>>>>> I hope this can be useful to your team.
>>>>>>> The web application and more info can be found on
>>>>>>> http://rachidbm.appspot.com/
>>>>>>> The project in Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ul10n-wiki-stats
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Rachid.
>>>>>>> Dutch Translators Team.
>>>>>>> https://launchpad.net/~rachidbm
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