
Il giorno gio, 17/04/2008 alle 00.11 -0700, Steve Langasek ha scritto:
> Dear friends,
> One nice feature of the live CD is that we provide a link to the translated
> release notes from within the installer.  Of course, this depends on having
> translated release notes available, which is where you fine folks come in..
> Draft release notes for Ubuntu 8.04 LTS are available at
> <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/ReleaseNotes>.  While these are not yet
> final, I expect that all the issues documented there will be included in the
> final release notes.
> Please coordinate your translations directly with Matthew Nuzum
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (cc:ed), who can assist with including these
> translations on the website.

for the Italian team you can find the translation here:



PS: they're not only a translation, we added something more, extending
the release notes. We're using a different approach here... hope is not
problem. :)

Milo Casagrande <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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