Blueprint changed by James Page: Whiteboard changed: Initial JOnAS 5.3 Dependency Analysis and archive fit - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Recap on work on Natty: Current Challenges: * Binary packaging produced for Natty release does not currently pass JEE Certification Tests on OpenJDK (only passes on sun-jdk); this needs to be resolved if we are going to try to get this into the main archive. Packaging Approach: * Key Dependencies: - ow2 EasyBeans - ow2 JOTM - ow2 CAROL - ow2 monolog - ow2 perseus - ow2 cmi - ow2 medor - tomcat7 - Adobe Cairngorm - axis2 - ops4j - Google Guice * Potential Issues: - Maven version 2.1.x (not 2.0.x) in archive - osgi wraps around existing libraries - Flash in admin GUI. - Large amount of dependency packaging JOnAS - 5.3 - JEE 6 profile - 5.3 - JEE 5 profile OSGi 4.2- stan - Apache Felix (or Eclipse) Micro-container architecutre - very low dependency requirement. Services delivered as bundles. Certified against full bundle of componets. Diff between dev and production modes - quick startup. Open source flex compilier - maven plugin. Jonas admn console - separatre component. OSGi enterprise standard. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Work Items (oneiric-alpha-2): [james-page] Review current OSGi packaging: DONE [florent-benoit] Identify priority list of ow2 components for packaging during Oneiric: DONE [florent-benoit] Idnetify list of ow2 and other maven plugins required to support JOnAS: DONE Work Items: - [james-page] Work with florent on understanding JOnAS clustering and how this might feed into Juju and Orchestra: TODO + [james-page] Work with florent on understanding JOnAS clustering and how this might feed into Juju and Orchestra: POSTPONED
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