By my estimate, there are a bit over 50 pending, unassigned SRU bugs for the server team in lucid. Many of these are small but the time just to get them into the pipeline has been scarce and we are under-staffed as it is. Also the SRU team isn't exactly bursting at the seams. So while I do think this is important, I want to caution any suggestion that we add a giant heap of packages to this list without thinking clearly about it first.
On this bug specifically, one thing I see is that we're really running in to the upstart bug which makes it hard to definitively disable a service. With sysv scripts, invoke-rc.d looks in the rc#.d dirs and makes sure that this service is supposed to be started, and if it is, then it starts the service, otherwise, the action is ignored. With upstart jobs, its not really possible to know if a job should be running by looking at the filesystem. So this seems to be missing a fix that would, as Alessandro said, query and save the status when the stop action is run during preinst, and return the job to the goal it was in pre-upgrade. The policy-rc.d stuff would work too, but that is less discoverable and won't actually disable the upstart job at boot time, so I think before we discuss lucid, we should look at whether or not whats been done now is a complete solution. -- You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Server Team, which is a direct subscriber. Title: dh_installinit upstart support start a job in postinst script regardless of previous status -- Ubuntu-server-bugs mailing list Modify settings or unsubscribe at: